
Push the Boundary of What's Possible with Aspen Hybrid Models™

The release of Aspen Hybrid Models in our V12 software release provides a major step forward for oil and gas, midstream, refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals.

Feature Story

new 8 Tips for Streamlining Product Deployment

Make your software installations easier by following these eight tips for deploying AspenTech software.

Case Study

Leading Resource Company Reduces Risk, Lowers Costs in Mine Planning with EarthStudy 360 Full-Azimuth Imaging

A leading resource company with global operations in oil, gas and mining needed to obtain information beyond conventional time and depth migration and improve a mining plan, bearing in mind that fracturing which results in a water inflow during production can be costly.


Aspen AIoT Hub Brochure

The Aspen AIoT Hub is the cloud-ready Industrial AI infrastructure that delivers the vision for the Self-Optimizing Plant. It provides the integrated data management, edge, and cloud infrastructure, and a production-grade AI environment to build, deploy and host Industrial AI applications at enterprise speed and scale to unlock the value from industrial data across plants and the enterprise. Read this brochure to learn more.

Feature Story

8 Tips for Streamlining Product Deployment

Make your software installations easier by following these eight tips for deploying AspenTech software.


A Planta Auto-Otimizada impulsionada pela Industrial AI

Entre na era da autonomia e dê os primeiros passos para a Planta Auto-Otimizada- uma operação de aprendizagem, Auto-ajustável e Auto-sustentável impulsionada pela Industrial AI que o ajudará a prosperar em qualquer condição de mercado. Assista a este vídeo para saber como você pode começar a realizar essa visão hoje.

Executive Brief

Energy Security, Affordability and Sustainability: The Grand Alliance

To hold global warming within the range of the Paris Agreement goals, the world needs to reduce emissions by unprecedented volume—and at unparalleled speed. Ensuring a green future while continuing to provide reliable energy supplies is a dual challenge that will require new solutions, including advanced technology.

Live Webinar

Accelerate the Growth of the Hydrogen Economy Featuring the US Hydrogen Alliance

Thank you for your interest in this webinar! Unfortunately, the registration deadline has passed or the webinar has already taken place. However, an on-demand version will be available shortly. If you would like to receive a recording of the webinar when it is available, please click the button below and fill out the form.

Interactive Infographic

Defining the Digital Twin

What is a digital twin and what does it do? Learn how digital twin technology provides important insight on system performance enabling companies to optimize operations and reduce costs by maximizing uptime with real-time recommendations.

Interactive Infographic

A Whole New Way to Capture View and Use Data

Discover a whole new way to capture, view and use data.

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