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News Article

Industrial Automation Asia - Sustainability pathway to scale the hydrogen economy

Digital technology is a strategic element in reducing cost across the hydrogen value chain, accelerating scaling and speed of implementation, as well as ensuring the safety and reliability of hydrogen solutions.

News Article

Economic Times India - AspenTech to Focus on Lithium Recycling and Carbon Capture in India

In an interview with ETEnergyworld, Vikas Dhole, GM of Sustainability IBU explains AspenTech's focus to cater to the growing demand for sustainable industrial practices.

News Article

Future Mining Australia - Accelerated Mining at the Green Energy Transition Frontier

With an increasing global population – and a significant portion without access to electricity – there is quite a journey ahead for sustainability. The world needs metals in far greater magnitude than what is produced today.

News Article

Sustainability Matters Australia - Electrification as an accelerator towards net zero

Digital software provides the foundation for widescale adoption of electricity as a power source, while providing choice — in terms of technologies deployed to enable regional and microgrids, on a global scale.


Processing Magazine Breakthrough Product Award

Processing Magazine Breakthrough Product Award

Interactive Infographic

Defining the Digital Twin

What is a digital twin and what does it do? Learn how digital twin technology provides important insight on system performance enabling companies to optimize operations and reduce costs by maximizing uptime with real-time recommendations.

Interactive Infographic

A Whole New Way to Capture View and Use Data

Discover a whole new way to capture, view and use data.

Interactive Infographic

4 Steps to Optimize Outcomes Across Your Pharma Value Chain Network

The pandemic heightened the need for agility and resiliency within the supply chain. Speed to market remains a top business imperative as we move into the next normal for pharma.

Interactive Infographic

Refining and Downstream Value Chain

Learn how AspenTech refining solutions improve profit margins and operations across the downstream industry value chain. This infographic provides an overview of the benefits many companies have realized.

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