Aspen Connect™ファミリー


スマートエンタープライズおよび完全に自律した Self-Optimizing プラントの実現に向けた取り組みにおける重要なステップ

Cloud-Ready Solution

Transfer historical data or stream live data from Aspen InfoPlus.21® or third-party sources into AspenTech products, data lakes or third-party endpoints in the cloud or on-premises.

Flexible Connectivity


Leverage Your Existing Systems

Use existing software and tools to minimize disruption and reduce expenses.

Scale Up and Out

Leverage machine learning and the flexibility of the cloud to create efficiencies and easily scale your business.


aspenONE Process Explorer

Aspen InfoPlus.21®


aspenONE Process Explorer

aspenONE Process Explorer™


Aspen Production Record Manager™

Discover detailed origin of production losses and improve automation for easier analysis and production reporting with real-time visibility to improve batch performance.

AspenTech Inmation™

Centralized data management system that allows for the ingestion, processing, augmentation and storage of diverse data, empowering your team from the plant floor to the executive suite.