White Paper

Reach New Heights: Six Best Practices in Planning and Scheduling

Learn the six best practices in planning and scheduling that will enable plants to advance their technological maturity—making your plant more reliable and profitable.

White Paper

Right Details at the Right Time

When delivering an estimate on time and on budget, learn why it is important to focus on the components that matter most.

White Paper

Three Essential Operations in a Plant: Simulation Models Turn Innovative Ideas Into Reality

Whether it’s a pilot plant or a complex petrochemical plant, these facilities rarely run like a well-oiled machine. There are always unknown variable dependencies that are difficult to understand, and there’s substantial room for improvement. In many situations, optimization is not the focus for plants because there are issues with reliability and safety that take precedence. Does this sound familiar? The ability to simplify job tasks and boost efficiency will greatly enhance plant performance but also, make your job easier

White Paper

Maximice la efectividad de sus equipos mineros y minimice las pérdidas de beneficios

Las compañías mineras invierten fuertemente en activos para todas las etapas del proceso minero: extracción, procesamiento, refinería y distribución del mineral. Al monitorear la condición y el comportamiento de los activos y desarrollar perfiles de operaciones normales, anomalías y fallas, las herramientas de mantenimiento predictivo pueden notificar al personal sobre los problemas del equipo antes de que ocurra falla. Este documento describe cómo el mantenimiento predictivo proporciona a las organizaciones mineras la inteligencia necesaria para:

White Paper

Maximize Mining Equipment Effectiveness, Minimize Margin Loss

Mining companies invest heavily in equipment for all stages of mining, mineral processing, refining and distribution. By monitoring asset condition and behavior and developing profiles of normal operations, anomalies and failures, predictive maintenance tools can notify staff of equipment problems prior to failure. This paper outlines how predictive maintenance provides mining organizations the intelligence needed to:

White Paper



White Paper

Making Capital Project Management Decisions: Minimize Risk, Maximize Profitability

Making big capital project management decisions shouldn’t be left to subjective perceptions or over-simplified analysis. Decision-makers need quantifiable, trustworthy answers to make the most profitable decisions possible. Aspen Fidelis Reliability is a robust RAM analysis tool that can handle the real-world challenges of today's process industries. In this paper, learn how Fidelis enables you to maximize the economics of business decisions and accurately predict future asset performance of the whole system.

White Paper

Aspen DMC3 Robust Tutorial

Learn how the robust control functionality contributes to a useful reduction in maintenance cost and helps extend times between revamps for APC controllers.

White Paper

Aspen PIMS-AO Deployment in the Cloud

Digital technology such as cloud computing is transforming the way companies do business. By deploying cloud technology, energy and chemical companies can efficiently process scenarios needed to mitigate business risk even faster. Download this white paper to learn more about the benefits of deploying Aspen PIMS-AO in the cloud and the competitive advantage it provides.

White Paper

Benchmarking Organizations During Lean Times

How do contractors and owners manage risk in today’s environment? There is intense pressure to understand estimating uncertainty and deliver better designs and lower bids. By reading this white paper you'll understand new ways to deliver bids faster and increase transparency with respect to estimate risk and uncertainty.

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