
Project Cost Estimation- Application Overview

Owner operator’s seek to understand the sources of cost from a bid received from an engineering and construction firm to remove unnecessary CAPEX and improve the design, benefiting both parties. A shared model based platform improves transparency, improves design and lowers CAPEX. Watch now to learn more.





Driving Operational Excellence through Digitalization: An Interview with AspenTech CEO Antonio Pietri

In this interview with ARC Advisory Group analyst Peter Reynolds, AspenTech President and CEO Antonio Pietri describes how the process industries are leveraging new technologies—including cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning—to drive greater value from their assets.


Better Agents Faster with Maestro for Aspen Mtell®

Data analysis can get bogged down in identifying, selecting, and preparing data. These tasks consume 50% or more of the time spent doing analysis. Now, with Maestro for Aspen Mtell®, you can automate much of that data preparation. Through automated workflows, time and effort is minimized while reducing the skills and experience required by the end users. Maestro also tackles the selection of the hyperparameters that control the machine learning algorithm and automates feature selection to further reduce the need for data science skills. Watch this video to learn how this powerful AI technology can help you build better Agents in a fraction of the time.


Aspen Unified™, The Next Generation of Planning and Scheduling

View this video to learn how Aspen Unified brings planning and scheduling together in one environment to improve decision making for increased margins. Discover how you can automate routine tasks, such as reconciling with actual plant data, visualizing results, creating case sets and building the first feasible schedule – saving hundreds of man hours per year.


Aspen Unified 次世代のプランニングとスケジューリング

このビデオでは、どのようにAspen Unifiedがプランニングとスケジューリングを単一の環境の中で統合し、意思決定を改善してマージンを増大させるかをご紹介します。 Aspen Unifiedは、実際のプラントデータとの照合、結果の視覚化、ケースセットの作成、最初の実現可能なスケジュールの作成など、多くの日常的な定型作業を自動化します。これによって、年間で数百マン・アワー(人時)もの工数を削減することができます。


Aspen Unified, 차세대 생산계획 및 스케줄링 소프트웨어

Aspen Unified 소프트웨어는 의사 결정을 향상시켜 수익을 높일 수 있도록 생산계획과 스케줄링을 단일화된 관리 환경으로 통합했습니다. 실제 공장 데이터와의 보정(Reconciliation), 결과물에 대한 시각화, 다양한 시나리오 케이스 생성 및 실행 가능한 스케줄 초안 수립 등 많은 일상적인 작업을 자동화하여 연간 수백 시간을 절약하는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.


Calibrate Models with Plant Data in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

With the new Plant Data feature, you can save time by connecting to plant data and calibrating directly within the Aspen HYSYS or Aspen Plus environment. Create a digital twin of your plant.


Centralized Performance Monitoring

Monitor and share your most important KPIs with real-time visibility into asset performance across your enterprise with Centralized Performance Monitoring.


Представляем Aspen Unified

Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы уже сэкономили миллиарды долларов за счет оптимизации своих производств и цепочек поставок. Однако, все еще есть дополнительные возможности дальнейшей оптимизации как за счет решения оперативных производственных вопросов, так и за счет сокращения расхождения между объемным, календарным планированием и фактическим производством.

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