Case Study

Braskem Implements Aspen DMC3 to Deploy Controllers in Just Two Weeks and Immediately Accrues Benefits

Braskem is the largest petrochemical company in Latin America, the leading producer of polypropylene in the United States, and the eighth-largest resin producer worldwide. Braskem used Adaptive Process Control within Aspen DMC3 to deploy controllers in just two weeks to start accruing benefits immediately. The benefits included lowered energy usage by 20%, increased production rates and reduced process variability. Download this case study today to learn more about the benefits Braskem realized by using Aspen DMC3 and discover how to achieve these benefits at your organization.

Case Study

Saudi Aramco Increases Refinery Capacity by 100,000 Barrels/Day Using Plant Digital Twin

Learn how Saudi Aramco used Aspen HYSYS to analyze feasibility of refinery reconfiguration plans by developing plant digital twins of multiple units. The new reconfiguration plan projects a 100,000 barrels/day increase in the refinery’s processing capacity, a substantial reduction in fuel oil production together with a significant boost in diesel production capacity.

Case Study

Cabot Streamlines and Standardizes Scheduling, Greatly Improving Visibility

Learn how specialty chemical manufacturer’s Carbon Black business implements Aspen Plant Scheduler at more than 20 plants worldwide to close the gap between planning and execution.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

Case Study

Case Study: Chevron Employs APC Best Practices to Get Controllers Online Faster After Unit Turnarounds

Discover how Chevron overcame the challenge of rapidly returning APC controllers to service after unit turnarounds. Using aspenONE APC applications, Chevron reduced the effort required to maintain controller models. In addition to this, Chevron saved thousands of dollars for each day the controller would have been offline.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

Case Study

Fluor Achieves Significant Time Savings in SRU Simulation

Learn how Fluor created a digital twin of their entire sulfur recovery unit, including recycle streams, in a single file using Aspen HYSYS® with Sulsim. Read this case study to find out how AspenTech’s solution for SRU optimization allows users to increase production, reduce OPEX and meet emissions regulations by modeling the complexities of the SRU and the full gas plant.

Case Study

Shell Adopts Global Supply Chain Process to Increase Profitability and Drive an “Enterprise First” Strategy

After the company identified uncommon operating procedures at each of its many refineries — which led to inefficiencies and lower margins — Shell launched “Enterprise First,” an initiative designed to standardize processes and technology across the organization. The key to driving this strategy — and meeting its objectives — is an integrated aspenONE® Supply Chain Management solution that helps Shell optimize refinery production, reduce costs and increase margin.

Case Study

エフピコ:デジタルサプライチェーンを 活用して排出と廃棄物を削減し、 持続可能性目標を達成

エフピコは、日本最大の食品容器メーカーであると同時に、流通サービスプロバイダーとして食品流通関連の店舗(スーパーマーケットなど)に各種製品を納入しています。また、使用済み食品容器やペット ボトルのリサイクルを行う環境先進企業でもあります。

Case Study

Korea's SK E&C Reduces Engineering Estimating Man-Hours by 50% With Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™

Learn how SK Engineering & Construction improved the speed and accuracy of their capital project cost estimates with Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE).

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