News Article

N.H. office signals a rebound at Aspen

The Boston Globe covered AspenTech’s new Nashua office opening to accommodate the company’s growing workforce designed to create new innovations for the aspenONE Engineering suite, along with highlights of the company’s turnaround success story.

News Article

The Korean petrochemical industry should promote the utilization of process technology

The Korean petrochemical industry should promote the utilization of process technology

News Article

Inside look at processing

Inside look at processing

News Article

Control and stabilization of a multiple boiler plant can be improved by using an advanced process control (APC) approach

Control and stabilization of a multiple boiler plant can be improved by using an advanced process control (APC) approach

News Article

We plan on generating awareness and building on our presence in India

We plan on generating awareness and building on our presence in India

News Article

Achieving excellence in energy and utilities management

Achieving excellence in energy and utilities management

News Article

Advantages of an automated approach

Advantages of an automated approach

News Article

Understanding the story behind the data

Understanding the story behind the data

News Article

Best practice tames the energy beast

Best practice tames the energy beast

News Article

Optimising midstream with an integrated simulation environment

Optimising midstream with an integrated simulation environment

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