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Maximize Safety, Sustainability and Productivity by Turning Unplanned Downtime Into Planned Downtime

Unplanned downtime has wide-ranging impacts that affect more than just a plant’s productivity and profitability. Forced shutdowns also have a major impact on plant and personnel safety, as well as gre...

Executive Brief
AT-05192_Mtell-Fidelis Decision Agility__LP

Improve Asset Reliability with Aspen Mtell

Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance software can predict breakdowns weeks in advance and help protect machines, business investments, the environment, and most importantly, people.

From Reactive to Proactive: Machine Learning Drives Better Business Outcomes

From Reactive to Proactive: Machine Learning Drives Better Business Outcomes

A specialty plastics plant needed a solution to reduce downtime on a problematic hypercompressor in their LDPE production process.

Case Study

Оценка надежности

AT-05192_Mtell-Fidelis Decision Agility__LP

Improve Asset Reliability with Aspen Mtell

Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance software can predict breakdowns weeks in advance and help protect machines, business investments, the environment, and most importantly, people.

The Aspen Fidelis Reliability™ Difference: Minimize Risk, Maximize Profitability

Making Capital Project Management Decisions: Minimize Risk, Maximize Profitability

Making big capital project management decisions shouldn’t be left to subjective perceptions or over-simplified analysis. Decision-makers need quantifiable, trustworthy answers to make the most profita...

White Paper
When Lightning Strikes Twice

When Lightning Strikes Twice

After an electrical storm stopped gas production at one of its plants, SABIC executives and reliability engineers turned to Aspen Fidelis Reliability to calculate the probability of it—or a similarly ...


Информация и исполнение

AT-05192_Mtell-Fidelis Decision Agility__LP

Improve Asset Reliability with Aspen Mtell

Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance software can predict breakdowns weeks in advance and help protect machines, business investments, the environment, and most importantly, people.


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Aspen Mtell

Aspen Mtell®

Get early and accurate warning of when an asset failure will occur, how the failure will occur and what to do about it.

Aspen Fidelis Reliability

Aspen Fidelis™

Everything is different. You’ve got a lot of decisions to make and you need to quickly compare options. Aspen Fidelis can simulate the range of scenarios and show you the impact on overall plant perfo...

Aspen ProMV

Aspen ProMV®

Get early and accurate warnings on process health deviations with insights to prevent off-spec product, maintain efficiency and rapidly optimize operations.

Aspen Event Analytics™

Operational analytics for the process industries