White Paper

Proactive Decision-Making for Emissions Management: The Roadmap to Net Zero

Industry leaders have committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions. For many this will require a shift in operations—moving away from yearly emissions reporting to becoming more transparent in their efforts. Many are turning to advancements in technology for real-time visualization of emission data across the entire organization.

Case Study

Reservoir Modeling and Production Solutions Help Reduce Exploration Costs by Up to 20%

A major operator providing oil and gas exploration and extraction services in the Caspian Sea region deployed an ensemble simulation workflow utilizing the Aspen Big Loop technology to perform uncertainty and risk estimation as part of the project feasibility assessment, with Aspen Tempest as an orchestrator.


The State of Industrial Data

This infographic illustrates how organizations use their industrial data today.

On-Demand Webinar

The State of Industrial Data – New Survey Results

AspenTech commissioned an independent survey of 200 North American and European decision makers from key industries, including engineering and construction, chemicals, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and metals and mining, focusing on industrial data usage.

White Paper

The State of Industrial Data

Decisions are made on data. Today, the amount of data we have is monumental – and that will only continue to grow. So how do you see the forest for the trees and get the insights that you need?

Case Study

Aspen SKUA™ Provides Deeper Insight for The Geysers, One of the World’s Largest Geothermal Systems

Learn how Aspen SKUA is used by Calpine Corporation to create a highly constrained and continually refined 3D structural model that assists with water injection and steam production well planning, reservoir management, drilling analysis and a better understanding of induced seismicity.

Technical Paper

Improved Imaging Below the Deccan Trap: An Attempt to See Sub-Trappean Mesozoic Sediments

Sub-basalt imaging is difficult due to loss of seismic energy, attenuation, absorption, scattering and mode conversion.


AspenTech Dataworks for the Metals and Mining Industry

Mining companies are at different stages of their digitalization journey with many struggling to create timely, actionable, data from varied, often siloed sources—with different data types, in different formats, delivered by different technical protocols. Department heads need a holistic, integrated solution to make the most informed decisions for plant, machinery, sensing equipment and software, regardless of a vendor’s proprietary data formats. Learn how AspenTech’s unique integration layer empowers mining companies to choose and implement truly best of breed technology with a minimum degree of complexity as the operation scales to create automated or semi-automated data and process workflows.


Aspen Plus®: Process Simulation for Chemicals

Aspen Plus advances the performance of chemical processes using the best-in-class simulation software for bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industries.


Executive Podcast Series - The Future of Emissions Reduction: Monitoring, Optimizing and Reducing

Hydrocarbon Processing spoke with Vikas Dhole, General Manager - Sustainability, Aspen Technology, to discuss how companies can leverage digital solutions to reduce emissions and some examples of companies and the benefits they are seeing as a result.

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